Search Results
50: Utilizing HIFU as a Treatment Option for Prostate Cancer Focal Therapy with Jim Hu, M.D.
Dr. Jim Hu - Prostate Cancer Research, PSA Screening & HIFU
Jim Hu - Prostate Cancer HIFU Novelty or innovation (2016)
The focal treatment for Prostate Cancer - Nanoknife. Presented by Professor Caroline Moore
Dr. Kassabian discusses HIFU for the treatment of localized prostate cancer on CBS
Dr. Steven Gange Discusses HIFU for Prostate Cancer
Important Concepts, Limitations and Expectations of Focal Therapy for Prostate Cancer
Prostate Cancer Treatment Innovations: Next-Gen Focal HIFU
How can HIFU help cure prostate cancer? - Online interview
Dr. James Cochran Discussing his latest HIFU treatment
HIFU Focal Therapy: Prostate Cancer - Emerging Data and Clinical Utility vs. Standard Care